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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015937697 - Added functionality to the "Delivery parameters" block
For the "Delivery parameters" block, additional functionality has been added, which works for the logic: - if you have 1 product, then yo...
2015938708 - Added functionality for "Transfer products to another OneBox"
For the "Transfer products to another OneBox" function, the ability has been added: - transfer wholesale prices; - the ability to massive...
2015936948 - Updated in the "Table of tasks/projects/projects" tab
For the "Table of tasks/design/projects" block of the call constructor, the ability to work grouping by author has been added.
3 answer
12.09.2022, 17:18
Add checkbox to hide document author
here https://univer.1b.app/client/order/183/ https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/10/interface/?workflowid=24&group... ...
4 answer
12.09.2022, 17:17
Charged $5.97 for 1751 entities. I don't understand why so. I also do not have funds in my account to extend my vanbox
5 replies
12.09.2022, 16:25
pay for boxing
Good for the hell of a time, the problem is, we pay for Boxing (renew the balance) in the form of FOP and the balance is not updated. Payment buv 0...
What kind of implementation is possible in One Box?
Chi є in OneBox functionality that allows you to: 1. Create a sequence of tasks in the fallow land according to the value of watering the land? 2. ...
10 replies
12.09.2022, 15:05
Finalization of the payment method for the action "Ukrposhta create TTN"
I ask you to calculate the cost of finalizing the action "Ukrposhta create TTN" at the stage, namely, add the dependence of the creation ...
2 answer
12.09.2022, 14:41
Add Variables to "Add Process Comment"
Please add to the action "Add a comment to the process" - the ability to use variables
1 answer
Probably not a correct translation
The passport card shows 2 fields "Ingredients", this is not true