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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
26.10.2022, 15:15
Synchronization pardon between OS and MVP boxes
Synchronization is now possible for additional help to synchronize the process with another box the id field matches with the id in the client box...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
26.10.2022, 14:46
Block Product Search
Hello! In the BP interface, the Product search block does not search for products when choosing which warehouse to display product search and categ...
3 answer
26.10.2022, 13:55
Statuses of Ukrposhta do not change
Good afternoon! My statuses with Ukrposhta have not changed for a long time. Here is a link to all these orders https://our-store.com.ua/app/workfl...
1 answer
26.10.2022, 10:59
Does not update the products in the order through the API
Here is an example of an order https://fr-auto.1box.link/1488/ Here is the log of the renewal of the order by goods (you need to search by order nu...
2015945490 - Updated in the "Upgrade the price of the purchased product for the flow price of the process product"
For dії "Innovate the price of the purchased product for the current price of the product to the process" the following was added: - nala...
2015945788 - Added to the sound of the "Act of the Star"
For the title "Act of Investigation" it was added to fix all payments of the counterparty for the period that is filtered, independently ...
2015944696 - Added functionality of access rights to the process
Added the ability to set fields in the process product table, which will not be available for review of the selected roles.
4 answer
25.10.2022, 23:13
Does not send a message to the client from the required process
There was a ticket here https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-messengers/15629-bag-ne-rabotaet-avtom...
1 answer
25.10.2022, 16:27
Changing the price of product analogues in accordance with the price of the main product
Good day. We need to configure the following: When changing the price in the main product, the price should be copied to all analogues of this prod...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.10.2022, 15:29
We can’t add goods to the process, until today everything worked out
Good day, We can’t add the desired product to the process, try it yourself, for example 30711. Process butt: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/283599/ Un...