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Application Questions and Answers «»

5 replies
EvoSmart Solution
31.10.2022, 12:17
Restoring from backup
I ask you to restore from the backup the Products (all information about them) that was before 10/31/22 until 8 am Massively changed important data...
3 answer
31.10.2022, 10:40
Please rate the revision. In the client's office in the comments, display only the name of the contact.
Please rate the revision. In the client's office in the comments, display only the name of the contact. We hide the surname and patronymic And...
3 answer
EvoSmart Solution
31.10.2022, 10:03
ERROR Editing multiple products
I ask for your help, an error occurred while mass editing products of the selected category. Earlier, even before the war, this had already happene...
2015946218 - Added settings to Сashflow report
For the Cashflow report, a filter and settings have been added that allow you to make a selection by payment categories.
2015946091 - Added a field to the dialog "Restore the field to the process"
For the "Save the field for the process" task, the "Reduction amount" field has been added, which allows you to copy the value ...
A multi-level structure for the production of products - how to display, is it possible?
Good afternoon! I am getting acquainted with the system, there is a desire to make an accounting system for continuous production. I use the produc...
4 answer
30.10.2022, 13:03
Events are created, but SMS does not reach the addressee.
When sending SMS, everything is successful, everything is fine. There is no write-off for SMS in the TurboSms personal account and it does not come...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
30.10.2022, 11:25
Is it possible to use custom CSS styling for the forms we create to increase the competitive appeal of OneBox OS
Here is an example of the form as is: https://icoloronebox.crm-onebox.com/form/0/6/ I insert such a form on my site, screen 1182. Here you can see ...
1 answer
Personal license
30.10.2022, 09:36
Domain name replacement
Good afternoon! We changed the domain name kdmserver.com.ua to http://didihost.com please rebind the licenses to a new domain name.
Very urgent help! The site and CRM system have been down for more than half an hour, unavailable
now the site and system are down, unavailable. The load on the processor is huge, We have had a similar situation for 4 weeks now, periodically the...