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Application Questions and Answers «»

Employee access
Good afternoon. How to give employees access to view details and select our companies in a deal, but not give them the right to edit company details?
2 answer
EvoSmart Solution
28.12.2022, 08:51
Domain name change
Good day, a big request to change the domain name from: auriel.crm-onebox.com at: 7km.1b.app
2 answer
EvoSmart Solution
28.12.2022, 08:03
Help Customize or Modify Action: Send universal message Viber/SMS Turbosms
The meaning is what: There is integration with TurboSMS, I set up Viber to send a message at the XXX stage. I send shipments not from the branded n...
2015956337 - Added settings to budgets
For budgets, the setting "Enable by default the setting "Do not add a comment about enrollment" when adding a transaction" has ...
2015956751 - Added OpenCart integration settings
"Log all requests to opencart api" setting has been added for the action of synchronization of products and orders with OpenCart.
2015957092 - Added setting to action "Find product in the tree of the parent process depending on the date of the additional field"
For the action "Find the product in the tree of the parent process depending on the date of the additional field" added: - settings in wh...
2015957093 - Added settings to the "Products by table" block
The "Start process editing procedures when adding/changing/deleting process products" setting has been added to the "Products by Tab...
2015956748 - Added setting to "Turn Telegram message into a process" action
For the "Convert Telegram message to process" setting, the setting "Write the last message to the additional field of the process&qu...
3 answer
27.12.2022, 17:31
Needs improvement Open favorites not on hover, but on click
Make an option to open favorites on click rather than on hover. It is very inconvenient to work when, after clicking on the tab, you lower the curs...
3 answer
27.12.2022, 14:44
Integration logic with Ringostat telephony
Ringostat telephony was connected. An employee of Ringostat claims that the integration logic was changed by one box some time ago, and it is not k...