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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
30.12.2022, 09:59
The transition from the report to the processes does not work
Good afternoon, I click on the number of processes in the reports and should transfer to these filtered entities, but it does not work https://se...
2015957666 - Magento integration functionality has been improved
For the "Import orders from Magento" action, the collection of data from the discount_description parameter into the additional field of ...
2015957088 - OpenCart functionality has been improved
Added "Format your region's address" setting to the OpenCart order import action.
2015957663 - Added settings for warehouses
A setting has been added that allows you to display the products with the largest balance in the list of balances (if no filtering by warehouses is...
2015957481 - The functionality of the action "Import applications to TMS Tocan Solutions" has been improved
For the action "Import applications to TMS Tocan Solutions" logging of the processes that are transferred has been added.
2015957089 - Added DaData integration action
Added new automatic action "Standardize process address using DaData service"
4 answer
29.12.2022, 23:01
you need to install a self-renewing ssl certificate
you need to install certificates on newdelhi.com.ua and m.newdelhi.com.ua
6 replies
29.12.2022, 13:06
Incoming call window does not appear
After the update on the OS, the incoming call window no longer appears. Integration is active.
3 answer
29.12.2022, 10:48
The width of the blocks in the product card
Space was used inappropriately in the product card. The fields with prices are stretched to full width, while the price of the product is unlikely ...
1 answer
29.12.2022, 10:40
Calculation between different blocks of process products
How to calculate the amount, for example: There are different blocks of products in the process, subtract the sum of one block from the sum of the ...