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Application Questions and Answers «»

4 answer
Error in calculating the amount of the order in the report
In the report https://box.generator.ua/admin/report/desiner/4/view/?filter_order_cdatefrom=202...
20 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
28.05.2021, 11:51
Correction of restocking in surpluses in warehouses
Please check the stock balance of the additional filter which can display the balance only for the warehouses\rooms of the selected warehouse mana...
11 replies
28.05.2021, 11:36
Filter button not showing in report
I open the report https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/designer/31/view/ Filter by creation date from 2021-01-01 Then I select the value of...
1 answer
Formation of price list for prom [evaluate]
I use the following settings to create a price list 1. In the main card of the model range - put in stock if at least 1 item is in stock 2. For p...
2015802940 - Improved the functionality of the action "Write a value in the product field depending on the conditions"
For the action "Write a value in the product field depending on the conditions" improved: 1. So that when the condition is met or not met...
2015801632 - Added universal block setting
The following setting has been added to the universal block: "When you click on the save button in a universal block, save only it and not the...
2015802856 - Improvement of linking payments to processes
Added global setting "Business processes to search when quickly editing an actual payment".
2015800282 - Improved functionality of integration with Shopify
Added new automatic action for integration with Shopify "Shopify / Export leftover products"
Print TTN By Justin
In the list order, business processes "WordPress Orders", select orders in the status "Packed by Justin" Selecting and trying t...
Creation TTN Justin
There is such an order #213623 shipping Justin. Either we create it manually, or through an action, it doesn't matter. When printing the label...