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Application Questions and Answers «»

6 replies
05.05.2021, 13:26
Establishing a link between a product and a customer order and an order to a supplier.
I will describe the situation that arose in connection with the supplier's order: There are 2 customer orders https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/cust...
10 replies
Additional information New mail ttn
how to correctly register in the integration if I need to add an additional process product field to the Template for additional information about ...
14 replies
05.05.2021, 12:49
The setting of the filter characteristic "Sort as numbers" has stopped working
Good afternoon! Today I noticed that the setting in the filter-characteristics for products "Sort as numbers" stopped working And here i...
Error in the ordered report
I ordered the creation of a sales report for a selected period. At first everything worked correctly, but then the report stopped showing the corre...
9 replies
05.05.2021, 11:50
Employees do not have the menu item "Create letter"
Attached are screenshots of the administrator and employee. the employee does not have the option to create a letter, although all access settings ...
1 answer
05.05.2021, 11:42
Uploading contacts
Previously, there was a question of how to delete all phone numbers that are incorrectly integrated for all companies and uploaded again. On your r...
Sat Integration
Lost Integration with the site divan.com.ua It really needs to be restored!
3 answer
Cannot clear additional product field
There are additional product fields associated with the directory: https://yoko.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/productfield/1/ https://yoko.crm-onebox.c...
4 answer
05.05.2021, 10:40
Change license domain
Good afternoon. Reconfigured onebox to another server and domain, you need to change the domain address on the license server to a new one. Since w...
3 answer
05.05.2021, 10:02
SSL certificate installation
Hello. You need to install a new certificate on the server. https://chinim.com.ua/