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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
07.09.2021, 20:10
built-in online store
Please disable the built-in online store on the box https://forled.crm-onebox.com.
6 replies
07.09.2021, 19:52
Page not working
https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/client/product/list/ Guys, the page is not working Pamagity
12 replies
07.09.2021, 18:13
OS - Wrong process count
In the funnel, it incorrectly counts the number of processes.
11 replies
07.09.2021, 17:26
Chastkove vіdvantazhennya process via API
Is it possible to transfer information about the product through the API to onebox, as it was considered in the process? for example through /api/s...
1 answer
07.09.2021, 17:21
API sync stopped working. Error "{"status":"error","errors":["Login or password or token not correct!"]}"
The synchronization of "business processes" in CPM and "repair requests" in 1C was set up. Stopped working. CPM sends the follo...
14 replies
Doesn't let you into the OneBox mobile app
- entered with and without https. https://onebox.mim.kiev.ua/ and https://onebox.mim.kiev.ua/desktop/ Application installed - https://onebox.mim.ki...
1 answer
07.09.2021, 16:30
Consultation on sound balance
Suggest whether weasel stars are taken from the sound Balance for watering - Credit line - Overdraft
7 replies
07.09.2021, 16:27
Business process hung - impossible to delete change
Vendor order business process stuck - unable to delete edit #63566
2 answer
07.09.2021, 15:12
Bug when adding a product to the process through the Search block
Good afternoon. When deleting all positions in the process and trying to add a new product through the Search block, the product is not displayed i...
5 replies
07.09.2021, 14:52
Incorrect leftovers by product
https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/shop/products/4662/storage/ In fact, there are no goods at 2 warehouses (gostomel). Yakshto porahuvati decommissione...