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Application Questions and Answers «»

5 replies
04.01.2022, 16:51
Very urgent. Checkbox integration not available
After creating another integration, the first one became unavailable. When going to settings Error 500. I tried to remove the new integration - did...
1 answer
04.01.2022, 14:50
New mail - the list of streets in the block is not pulled up
For example here https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/372886/ when selecting "warehouse-doors" in the "street" field, the list does...
Telegram bot integration
Good afternoon, I registered a token for integration with the cart https://pl-tires.1b.app/app/telegram/appsettings/ in the automation settings spe...
1 answer
Refinement of the report on products (required supply)
It is necessary to evaluate the possibility of setting up a report on deliveries Given: - grocery list - a list of warehouses that have this produc...
1 answer
04.01.2022, 13:50
OS: Poor quality when printing price tags/labels
Please help me to solve the problem with printing labels. We often use small format price tags (20x30 mm; 30x50 mm, etc.), and display a barcode on...
4 answer
04.01.2022, 13:32
Phone number/email
I demand to delete my account in connection with the disclosure of my personal data by your site. How did it happen that your site gives out my pho...
1 answer
04.01.2022, 11:37
OS - Bug - Text overlay when table header is fixed
When the title is fixed, the text is overlaid. Can this be fixed?
3 answer
04.01.2022, 11:35
Conveys incorrect product availability
There is an integration https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Worth setting There is an example of a product https://kondish...
11 replies
04.01.2022, 10:58
The additional field calculated by the formula with the number "0" is not displayed in the automation "Integration of XML products (Export)"
In the "Integration of XML Products (Export)" automations, we display an additional field, we calculate it according to the formula &quot...
7 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
04.01.2022, 10:24
OS - PopUp window with instructions for the employee
Here is a topic with support for revision, where there is no developer reaction https://1b.app/ru/forum/interface/4751-popup-okno-s-instruktsiey-dl...