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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
28.01.2021, 11:00
Data migration cost
There is a client who has a box of 10 licenses. Now it is hosted and its subscription is ending. It is necessary to calculate: 1) the cost of data ...
5 replies
28.01.2021, 10:53
rate the addon "Copy the field of products in the process"
The client needs to copy the barcode of the product in the warehouse https://prnt.sc/xpu9yv in the additional field for the product process like th...
Contact export not working
Good afternoon! Export contacts not working. I select the fields of the FOI, phone and mail, write the mail address where to export, click download...
2 answer
28.01.2021, 10:42
Tilda integration not working
After your finalization (tick did use the phone as an estate for lead generation) With incoming applications, automation worked a couple of times a...
4 answer
28.01.2021, 09:41
buttons for adding a product to the process
If you add a product using the button for adding a product to the process, it does not show that it is in stock https://prnt.sc/xquw1t and you cann...
4 answer
28.01.2021, 09:30
action not working correctly
Order http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/customorder/zakazi-avtodoktor/585640/edit/ stuck at the stage "Vehicle In Work, Waiting from supplier&qu...
8 replies
html css
Hello! It is necessary to insert html code into the letter for the client in the box. Here is the code itself https://jsfiddle.net/web123/L7ksrue4/...
2015722704 - Added integration with Botcorp.io service
Improved integration with the Botcorp.io service. Connects as an application in OneBox market/ Capabilities: - Turns Whatsapp messages into OneBox ...
2015733524 - Added setting to action "Ukrposhta create TTN"
For the BP action "Ukrposhta create TTN" the setting "Use the value of the "Weight" field of the product is added (the def...
2015732815 - Added setting "Don't add address to existing customer card"
The setting "Do not add an address to the card of an existing client" has been added to the "Basket" section of the client'...