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Application Questions and Answers «»

8 replies
Nova Poshta stopped pulling the fields.
Good afternoon. In the process of creating "Nova Poshta TTN", the chomus stopped automatically loading the fields https://prnt.sc/xtibib....
5 replies
29.01.2021, 18:04
"Filtered" in additional fields of processes and contacts
Looks like something has changed in the system... The "Filtered" setting in the additional fields of processes and contacts has gone some...
5 replies
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
29.01.2021, 17:21
VAT on export
Is it possible for a legal entity with VAT to disable VAT on export sales?
8 replies
29.01.2021, 16:40
Action Create Supplier Process
Hello! There is a business process "Order of goods" at the stage "Paid" the action "Create a process for the supplier&quot...
Personal account_price display
Good afternoon! Have a personal account there is a client (drop.), by default, when registering, he has a discount on all goods No. % (the percenta...
1 answer
29.01.2021, 15:53
Ability to scroll the process in the "Client" field
Tell me, be kind, how can you improve the appearance of all clients in the drop-down list in the "Client" field https://prnt.sc/xtadgs Fo...
2 answer
Employee access to directory export
https://prnt.sc/xt8rlt - How to give an employee access to the directory export? https://prnt.sc/xt8wo4 - Here are the accesses that I gave. But th...
6 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
29.01.2021, 13:02
Own name for the file with the document
Good day. I cannot change the name of the file in which the document is being saved. More precisely, it’s amazing to go out. Axis pattern. As a nam...
1 answer
29.01.2021, 12:31
Call to group API call creation
Call to group API call creation It is necessary to send a call to a group of managers through api. Hence the question: Is it possible to pass sever...
6 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
29.01.2021, 12:23
connect the block of the report designer "Run a query to the database"
I ask for the project https://spgr-kyiv.crm-onebox.com to connect the block of the report designer "Run a query to the database"