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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
Export processes from LK_code html in the export file
From such a LC block - https://partstore.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/boxclient/4/interface/order/?groupid... The client makes an export of the table ...
Employee access rights
Good afternoon, here is the employee card https://crm.ohholding.com.ua/admin/shop/users/13143/ вот что вижу я со своей учетки в разделе https://crm...
12 replies
Check/Uncheck Supplier Availability in bulk
The client is engaged in household appliances. It is necessary to frequently update the price list (1-2 times a day) with the output of the "a...
1 answer
OneBox update
Update, please, the system: http://clepsydra.org.ua/
4 answer
03.02.2021, 12:34
Get the status of an employee (logged in or not) and his mode in the system (Work/Pause/Stop)
Please rate the revision. You need to get the status of an employee (logged in or not) and if logged in then return his mode in the system ( Work/P...
Good afternoon. I noticed that the action Send a message to telegram does not work if more than one role is specified in the recipients
1 answer
The system does not go to the stages in the stage line (but there was a physical transition)
Here is the order http://box.magbaby.ua/admin/customorder/order/45838/edit/ We see that the sequence of stages is one And in history we see that t...
8 replies
03.02.2021, 10:35
Posting date field to stock balances
Item received on the 30th https://prnt.sc/y0pfgk http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/products/164252/storage/ Then 2 numbers were moved to another wa...
1 answer
03.02.2021, 10:20
Change base currency
https://www.labpdd.com/ Change base currency to USD "all summarizing data in the system (financial balances, liabilities, etc.) will not be co...
3 answer
03.02.2021, 10:03
Constant updating of the communication center
Good afternoon in boxing - http://trailer.crm-onebox.com when you go to the "Communications Center" the page is constantly updated. Clear...