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Application Questions and Answers «»

4 answer
03.02.2021, 20:07
Good afternoon. Tell me if it is possible to set up KPI without taking into account the date https://prnt.sc/y66k30, that is, I need the number (su...
14 replies
03.02.2021, 20:01
Add a chat with the client.
Good day. An okremium block is needed in the interface of the process (i in the box, i in the personal account) for correspondence with the client ...
6 replies
03.02.2021, 19:18
Product URL on the website and in the admin panel
In the admin-panel, the message is formed exactly the same as the product code, and in the store (onebox template) it is exactly the same as the pr...
The manager does not see orders placed by other managers.
The manager does not see orders placed by other managers.
11 replies
03.02.2021, 18:55
General question
Hello, please tell me how it happened that from the order https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/807615/edit/ one product was included...
3 answer
03.02.2021, 18:05
Problems with Justin
When generating a business process when choosing the action "Move business process to this stage if the status of Justin's package has cha...
6 replies
03.02.2021, 18:00
Action Submit business process to API
Good afternoon. Tell me, according to the action Pass the business process to the API when setting the sending interval every 15 minutes, how long ...
7 replies
Rate revision (forms)
We have the functionality of forms, it is necessary it is necessary to evaluate the refinement so that the values \u200b\u200bof customer data are ...
1 answer
03.02.2021, 17:16
I regularly receive notifications here for issues that I am not subscribed to.
11 replies
03.02.2021, 16:42
Binotel call error
Connected integration with binotel https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/binotel-2/control/ They wrote a letter to the binotel, ...