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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
Администратор проектов
03.03.2021, 00:00
Is it possible to combine 2 or more businesses in one box?
I have a respected client who has quite complex settings, many integrations with other systems and constantly improves them. Now they are starting ...
2015752988 - Improvement of integration with ROZETKA
For the functionality of integration with ROZETKA, the setting "If this setting is enabled, the customer's phone number will be included i...
2015752273 - Added interface block for messaging with Whatsapp
The "Whatsapp chat with process client" block has been added to the process interface, which allows you to chat with the client in Whatsapp.
2015755086 - Added a filter to the "Sales Report"
The "Payment Method" filter has been added to the "Sales Report". The filter is displayed in the report by the setting.
2015749680 - Added automatic action once a day "Delete sources"
Improved new automatic action once a day "Delete sources". There are settings in action: - delete sources created more than N days ago; -...
2015754370 - Improved the functionality of the action "Copy fields of process products"
For the BP action "Copy process product fields", an option has been added in the "Take value from the process product field" se...
2 answer
02.03.2021, 19:06
can't login
Client Ezhikhin Vyacheslav cannot log in to the site or recover the password there. Email him the details
1 answer
02.03.2021, 18:34
stopped receiving orders from Prom
orders stopped coming from Prom https://prnt.sc/10bfjhb no order data in the system https://crm.tdp.com.ua/ stopped working after system update
2 answer
02.03.2021, 18:24
Orders are not created with the Add Order button
the button does not work in this order type https://box.lurestore.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/?workflowid=16&searchLi... error appears
2 answer
02.03.2021, 18:04
XML Product Integration (Export)
Good afternoon I use the action in the automation "Integrate XML Products (Export)" Can you please tell me what the field "Category ...