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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
does not switch the process stage when the stage expires.
- process https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/9917/edit/ - there is a setting for the transition. - the new stage has only one...
2 answer
03.03.2021, 17:39
create access
the client cannot create a box on the site, it says that it already exists, but he has not created a demo before Please create access https://box.w...
8 replies
Please estimate the cost of integration with Wildberries
Please evaluate the cost of integration with https://www.wildberries.ru/ for the following steps 1. Import orders from wildberries in one box (orde...
6 replies
Employee left menu
good afternoon! how to set up BP sorting in the left menu of employees? If you log in as an administrator and through the access rights setting, th...
1 answer
03.03.2021, 16:46
integration with prom
Tell me, to set up integration with the prom, where can I get the URL API data?
8 replies
Help me figure out why the gross profit is written down in the cost price, and the cost price, on the contrary, is written down in the gross profit for the supplier
Help me figure out why the gross profit is written down in the cost price, and the cost price, on the contrary, is written down in the gross profit...
7 replies
03.03.2021, 16:20
Error 401
When changing the position of 2 employees (rotation between stores), and changing the additional contact field (example, Salon manager : Salon 1), ...
5 replies
03.03.2021, 15:23
Mass posting of goods to warehouse bins
Good afternoon! Client box: https://crm.kidzaza.com.ua/ We implement address storage in the Warehouse. To do this, we created a tree of cells in it...
1 answer
03.03.2021, 15:15
Serial number selection
Example https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/219/edit/ The product has 3 serial numbers I put the number of product 2 But I can choos...
1 answer
03.03.2021, 15:13
Missed calls from unknowns are not fixed in the box
Good day. Buv vhіdny z nevіdomogo, the client having thrown off. Splicing vikno є (screen added). We cannot know anything in the Events section, no...