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Application Questions and Answers «»

7 replies
The relationship between the price of a material and the product from which it is produced.
The buyer incorrectly capitalized the material, indicating the currency UAH instead of USD After capitalization, the manager posted in the order th...
6 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
23.03.2021, 15:09
Misunderstood the postal worker on the site
Buttstock - goods https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/products/1285335/edit/ /supplier/97017/p-5/ zovsіm іnshiy postal worker https://ekomora.ua/admin/sh...
3 answer
23.03.2021, 14:33
priority in get orders
Please add the priority field (priority + priority name) to the method for getting the list of orders (and a separate order). ven best.
3 answer
23.03.2021, 13:52
Fixed "main menu" and block "product card tabs" when scrolling the page.
1. When you scroll the page, the menu remains fixed. It used to work, at some point I noticed that it does not work. I contacted support and they s...
12 replies
Telephony Kyivstar. Error 403
Good afternoon. The token is registered in the Kyivstar module, which is downloaded from OneBox Market. There is a raising of the card for incoming...
5 replies
23.03.2021, 13:38
if you send email from comments, the sender's mail is by default one for all managers, how to make sure that each manager could send a letter ...
1 answer
Add additional options in the Sales report
5 replies
23.03.2021, 12:38
How to create a variable product?
How to create a variable product?
Urgently!!! Error creating invoice
When creating a New Mail invoice, an error occurred. The selected recipient does not have the EDRPOU. Create a new Recipient or issue a Document to...
3 answer
23.03.2021, 12:03
How to write a letter template so that each product is displayed in a separate block
This is what it should look like All fields from the product card (main and additional) How to write a template so that the products are displayed...