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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015777787 - Added process fields to display in global search
The ability to display process fields in the global search has been improved: - the amount of the process; - the remainder to be paid.
2015775557 - Improved the functionality of the action "Perform email distribution according to the directory"
Added the setting "Attach files from an additional field" for the BP action "Perform email distribution according to the directory&q...
3 answer
The error in the Balance by counterparties report has not been corrected.
As far as I understand, you wrote here https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/reports-and-analytics/8124-otchet-balans--po-k...
Help me figure it out, Tupit boxing is tough at times, can change the north?
I repeatedly contacted my manager and the penultimate manager was aware that a problem appeared very often, the usual process of writing off goods ...
1 answer
Receipts About payment
How to print a receipt about the amount of payment??
2 answer
10.04.2021, 16:48
HELP IS VERY URGENT!!! TTN Nova Poshta stopped generating
Hello! Today, without making any changes to the BP, TTN Nova Poshta has ceased to be created. Last night everything worked fine, but now it gives 2...
Orders with Prom end up in an incomprehensible BP
From the 8th, orders from Prom fall into an incomprehensible BP. They can only be seen through All Orders. Here are examples https://andser.crm-one...
1 answer
Horoshop - transmission of 2 languages
The integration has 2 fields - Name - Name Yua This is available in the integration But as if in the list of fields from which we can download thi...
2 answer
EvoSmart Solution
10.04.2021, 14:40
Uploading images to OpenCart
Good day ! There is a box: tyninua.crm-onebox.com We set up integration with OpenCart, and as it turned out, there were difficulties with Photos. T...
Orders stopped coming from Prom
Good afternoon. From 10:08 no orders come in from Prom Store Prom.ua https://aveon.net.ua/ Help me to understand. Thanks