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Application Questions and Answers «»

does not pull data from PROM
Hello. Faced a problem with loading order data from the store to PROM. Evening orders for 04/09/2021 were not drawn into the VOH office. Can you ...
Procedure stopped working Automatic actions once a day
From March 20, it stopped sending price lists to customers. The procedure was set to take place automatically once a day.
3 answer
09.04.2021, 17:50
where to get a token for webasyst?
to set up integration with webasyst, you need a token. where to get it? their tech support says that it is not needed for integration.
8 replies
09.04.2021, 17:17
Reserves from the goods fly off (chaotically)
Good afternoon, lately we have begun to notice more and more often that at any stage of the BP, provided that the goods are reserved, the reserves ...
6 replies
09.04.2021, 15:54
Prohibit in the Table of Products in the fields with the drop-list type to enter values that are not in the selection options
Good afternoon! I remember seeing such a refinement, which prohibits in the Table of Process Products in the fields with the drop-list type to ente...
3 answer
09.04.2021, 14:51
Integration with Simpla
where you can find up-to-date instructions with files for setting up integration with Simpla. Since now there is a video lesson in the boxing knowl...
1 answer
09.04.2021, 14:41
Call statistics (Asterisk integration)
Good afternoon! We have configured a bunch of GSM-gateway + Asterisk. There are two sim cards, each assigned to managers with extension numbers 301...
6 replies
Integration with prom.ua
I ask you to set up the transfer via API from Proma of the value of the cell Amount of commission for a CPA order and Payment status for Prom payme...
1 answer
Integration with Horosop
Please evaluate the refinement of the upload, which allows you to select the value of the product fields in the system and transfer information to ...
1 answer
09.04.2021, 14:10
Do not display call window
http://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/ In the contact card in the Settings tab there is such a setting It is written that it allows you to show incoming ...