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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
08.04.2021, 11:04
How to undo process deletion?
The manager accidentally deleted a number of tasks! I do not know what to do! Can I somehow roll back the deletion? help me please
6 replies
08.04.2021, 10:25
WayforPay - settings in the account do not work
Here is the setting https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/boxclient/8/interface/?workflowid=75 When I specify the choice setting where to make ...
Set up BOX to show that the action did not work and the PSU is stuck at some of the stages.
How to see that the action did not work, that the BP is stuck at some of the stages? Can BOX report this? If so, what are the implementation option...
4 answer
08.04.2021, 03:14
Igor Ustimenko. Unblock my access to the forum
Remove the limit of 1 question and 1 comment per day
1 answer
Action: Change stage if payment received
http://crm.loader.com.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/154/action/new/ - action set More than 30 minutes have passed, but there is no transfer to the ...
1 answer
07.04.2021, 18:26
forum access
please restore access to the forum https://box.webproduction.ua/app/contact/35093662/
5 replies
Personal license
07.04.2021, 18:03
Hello. I wanted to clarify whether any work is being done on integration with hubber? The parent topic is already closed and I can’t write in it: h...
10 replies
07.04.2021, 17:33
When switching to a stage, the action "Fill in an additional field of the process or client based on the lookup" does not work
When switching to a stage, the action "Fill in an additional field of the process or client based on the lookup" does not work Product ID...
1 answer
Google maps (field type)
In my contact card there are 2 fields in which there should be an address. I need functionality that will allow additional. In the contact field, s...
5 replies
Character limit in templates
There is a created template https://box.ltec.com.ua/admin/shop/users/smsmailing/template/ If I try to select it in a bulk mail, I only get the firs...