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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
07.04.2021, 11:13
OneBox needs to upgrade to MVP version
OneBox needs to upgrade to MVP version
2 answer
07.04.2021, 10:55
SLS certificate type
Good afternoon, we want to buy and install an SLS security certificate for a year. Help me choose the right one for our domain: bestteh.crm-onebox....
3 answer
07.04.2021, 10:24
automatic markup rule
Good afternoon! It is not possible to create a markup rule for an item. There is no category selection list.
1 answer
07.04.2021, 09:59
How to see in crm when employees entered crm and also when they left it?
Tell me, how can I see in our crm when my employees entered crm, and also when they left it?
2015775272 - Added the ability to set required fields when creating a product
For the "Additional fields" block of the interface settings when creating a new product, a field has been added in which you can specify ...
2015775523 - Improved the functionality of the action "Combine process products with the same product codes"
For the BP action "Combine process products with the same product codes", the ability to add several conditions for merging has been adde...
15 replies
06.04.2021, 20:01
Download and process supplier price list
Good afternoon. I set automatic actions to update the supplier's price list, but for some reason not all products are updated. The product is n...
6 replies
06.04.2021, 19:06
Export of goods for industrial
Every other year "PromUA / Export of products in XLS format" will need to type in the Russian name of the goods, and the file will be gen...
4 answer
06.04.2021, 18:55
The box https://crm.hlr.ua/ is not available, the place has run out
Good afternoon! Box https://crm.hlr.ua/ is not available, the place is over Please clean, 1 hour, please write off from the paid hours of the clie...
2 answer
Search for processes is not displayed
The search for business processes has stopped working. Nothing has changed, previously for the selected add. fields could filter out the BP. And ch...