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Application Questions and Answers «»

7 replies
30.04.2021, 09:07
Calculate the cost of revision to ensure the generation of the Ukrainian version of the site
Terms of reference for the completion of CRM Task: To ensure the generation of the Ukrainian version of the site The essence of the problem: In its...
2015790008 - Improved the functionality of the "PromUA / Import Products" action
For the automatic action "PromUA / Import products", the setting "Time at which to add processors for processing files with prom (if...
2015787667 - Added recalculation setting
Added system setting "Do not start automation when recalculating availability"
1 answer
29.04.2021, 19:55
Improvement - Change the logic of working with identifiers
At the moment, the logic of working with additional fields, as far as I understand, is as follows: the additional field has the number # - the name...
1 answer
29.04.2021, 18:48
Enhancement: Finding Variables
To speed up and simplify the work with formulas, variables, and so on. We offer in all actions where it is possible to substitute variables to sear...
You need to install an SSL certificate on the server
Good afternoon. FOP Kolesnik V.O. You need to install a certificate on the site https://legkapokupka.com.ua. The certificate is ready, I'll res...
2 answer
29.04.2021, 16:03
Import processes from PrestaShop for multistore
Good afternoon. There was a problem when importing orders to crm from cms prestashop. We use the standard multistore option in our cms, roughly spe...
6 replies
29.04.2021, 15:28
Uploading goods in excel with different tabs
How is it possible to export goods from the box into one excel file (google-sheets bao), so that in four tabs there are different categories of goo...
5 replies
29.04.2021, 15:20
Failed to transfer product from one PSU to another
There is a BP customer order with the number 19619 and a subordinate BP Assembly on it, and there is a problem. There is an action that adds goods ...
3 answer
29.04.2021, 15:07
Requires upgrade to MVP
Good afternoon. An upgrade to the MVP version is required. https://bycollar.crm-onebox.com Please give me 30 minutes notice to make a backup before...