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Application Questions and Answers «»

5 replies
29.04.2021, 15:20
Failed to transfer product from one PSU to another
There is a BP customer order with the number 19619 and a subordinate BP Assembly on it, and there is a problem. There is an action that adds goods ...
3 answer
29.04.2021, 15:07
Requires upgrade to MVP
Good afternoon. An upgrade to the MVP version is required. https://bycollar.crm-onebox.com Please give me 30 minutes notice to make a backup before...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
29.04.2021, 15:05
Refinement of the section Automatic markups for goods
Good afternoon, please calculate how long it will take to refine the section Automatic margins for goods, so that when you click on the top categor...
3 answer
29.04.2021, 14:14
integration with i2crm
Tell me, when the process with a message from the direct will get into the box, can it be finalized so that such data as the phone number and addre...
9 replies
29.04.2021, 14:02
Can't access our OneBox page
Good afternoon. For the second day we can not go to our page in OneBox. When you enter your username and password, just a white page appears and th...
1 answer
29.04.2021, 13:40
System update
Good afternoon! Update required: onebox.alt.ua
7 replies
Checking the number and email
When sending this request - https://______/api/orders/add/?login=mim_api&password=4e006afaef404b57af7a16...
3 answer
29.04.2021, 12:43
Upgrade a boxing client to MVP
client https://priori.ua/ cannot verify your account write, be a weasel, youma on the mail that onovit, be a weasel, yoga box to MVP
19 replies
NP Logistic, api is not the same address.
Wrong address went to NP Logistics API. Pay attention to the house, how it is written in OneBOX and what went into the NP logistics api. Please fix...
cell minimum order
You need to add a minimum order cell from the product field (screenshot1) Here: import products (screen2) and here: Export in XML format (Rozetka...