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Application Questions and Answers «»

5 replies
17.05.2021, 16:42
Advise on document layout
Document Template https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/document/templates/2/control/ Print to PDF example https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/documen...
3 answer
17.05.2021, 16:36
Renew your SSL certificate
It is necessary to update the SSL certificate at https://crm.tdp.com.ua/
3 answer
17.05.2021, 16:08
Generic product import (xml/json)
https://ltg.best/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ The action "Generic Import Products (xml/json)" is set (second in the list) The action is c...
8 replies
17.05.2021, 15:38
Multilanguage for the site
This function works with the product. And what about categories? On this test - does not work https://etg.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/category/1859/ ...
1 answer
17.05.2021, 15:34
Onebox mail integration not working
Moved to another mail server. I changed everything in the integration settings, the ports are correct, it swears like this IMAP status: Not ok (Ker...
3 answer
17.05.2021, 15:34
Values are not transferred from Opencart to Box
It is not possible to transfer data from the site to Boxing. In the order form, there are fields "EDRPOU code" and "Company name&quo...
3 answer
17.05.2021, 15:28
Can't load price list
I don't understand how to fill in the supplier price list download settings. I watched the video instruction, but I didn’t understand what to d...
4 answer
17.05.2021, 15:14
Not shipping products
Order https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/486/edit/ It has 337 products, created a subprocess for the shipment of all goods https://...
4 answer
17.05.2021, 14:30
Gives an error on the date when shipping the goods
There is a process https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/sklad/1969416/edit/ We are trying to ship the product in the parent, but it gives an e...
2 answer
17.05.2021, 11:26
Action: Change stage if payment received
Hello! Previously a question was asked on the forum: https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/business-processes/8117-deystvie-izmenit-etap-...