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Missed calls from binoculars

Binotel integration enabled
There was a missed call from a client
I looked at the logs, we received a push about this call
It's not in the call list.
https://osetr.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/report/event/?evtype=call&direction=... =&content=&durationfrom=&durationto=&line=&filtercontactid%5B%5D=4&page=&mailbox=
Another example, I made a test call, no one picked up the phone, it's like a missed call in the binotel
A call was created in the CPM, the action is Create a process based on a missed call, but the process was not created, the box did not understand that it was missed
Original question is available on version: ru https://qube-soft.com/ crm erp onebox qubesoft внедрение аналитика 1с интегратор


It would be great if you provide the logs of these calls in /binotel/push/complete/
Probably there is a call to a common number - and to create missed calls from them, you need to register this number as an answering machine in the integration.
In general, let's give an example of a request - let's analyze the situation in more detail.
04.06.2021, 15:41
Original comment available on version: ru

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