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Application Questions and Answers «Automation»

3 answer
Cannot clear additional product field
There are additional product fields associated with the directory: https://yoko.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/productfield/1/ https://yoko.crm-onebox.c...
6 replies
24.04.2021, 12:41
Need to improve automation
You need to make a filter by suppliers for which you need to create an automatic purchase for automation: "Set the business process for the pu...
4 answer
14.04.2021, 19:05
Facebook, Viber
Please add an option to automation: -Turn a viber message into a business process -Turn a Telegram message into a business process -Turn a Facebook...
Help me figure it out, Tupit boxing is tough at times, can change the north?
I repeatedly contacted my manager and the penultimate manager was aware that a problem appeared very often, the usual process of writing off goods ...
14 replies
EvoSmart Solution
01.04.2021, 12:56
Error when uploading XML for Rozetka with a full list of Product Attributes/Filters
In automation: Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua) With the setting enabled: [ ] Unload all filters from the product card (additional parame...
31 answer
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
01.04.2021, 10:18
Automation processing stopped working after update
After the last update, automation processing stopped working, such as "Generate an expected payment based on additional process fields" o...
1 answer
20.02.2021, 15:18
Add the ability to Name an action in automations
Good afternoon! Guys, could you add the ability to call actions in other automations (https://prnt.sc/101vrmc)?
1 answer
02.02.2021, 00:00
Product Automation - Improvement
https://prnt.sc/y03319 Please add an "action hint" for actions in product automation, as in actions in process steps, so that you can nav...
Automation does not work Fill in the contact card field based on the company field
Automation does not work Fill in the contact card field based on the company field. The action is configured when saving a contact card, in the aut...
6 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
26.01.2021, 13:04
create automation once a day to record the result of executing a SQL query in an add. contact field
you need to create an automation once a day "Run a SQL query and write its result to an additional contact field" request requirements: t...