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Application Questions and Answers «Automation for products»

10 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
18.07.2022, 13:17
Yaka logic diї: Sum the numerical representation of the availability of suppliers of the product and write in an additional field
Є dіya: Sum the numerical representation of the availability of product suppliers and write in an additional field The axis is similarly fixed in i...
6 replies
13.07.2022, 11:46
Automation for products does not work!
Automation for products "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and reference data" does not work https://www.youtube.com...
3 answer
11.07.2022, 21:19
Found a BUG: variables disappear in "Product Automation"
In the "Fill an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data" action for "Product Automation", the values disapp...
5 replies
07.07.2022, 18:09
OneBox problem - Deleting settings, documents and more
The problem with One Box, which I have encountered many times, is that it is too easy to delete settings, documents, etc. In all programs, this is ...
2 answer
07.07.2022, 12:24
Automation for products and import of orders does not work Socket
Please leave any comments on the problems that make it impossible to work 1) https://1b.app/ru/forum/stock/14019-sletayut-deystviya-v-avtomatizatsi...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.06.2022, 13:46
Let me be kind to you on the ticket from 09.06.
Good day, in us frequent automation for products and types of prices in API, we created two of them - let us be kind to you. 1. https://1b.app/ru/f...
2 answer
17.06.2022, 13:07
Actions crash in "Automation for Products"
For some reason, the settings themselves fly into actions https://youtu.be/GpABIimy67I You have to constantly refill.
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
09.06.2022, 08:40
Selected to implement automation for products
Good afternoon, we have two products of the same brand, from the same category and from the same postal worker. For a postal worker, the rule of ma...
6 replies
Personal license
01.06.2022, 16:30
Automation for products is not working
the automation actions "Calculate values according to the formula and write in the specified field" do not work when saving product cards...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
17.05.2022, 11:10
Often does not work with automation for products for "Calculate the value using the formula and write in the specified field"
Good day, A problem was revealed that the same formula was not valid for two different fields, diya "Calculate the value by the formula and wr...