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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

16 replies
05.08.2020, 12:15
Clogged comment thread
➡ SITUATION: We are waiting for payment from the client, we are also waiting for the receipt of goods on order. At the stage in the action "Re...
1 answer
22.07.2020, 11:15
Finance by date
It would be nice if you could switch from a tabular view of finances to "Finance by date". Same as with processes http://prntscr.com/tmeyc8
3 answer
16.07.2020, 09:43
Add the ability to admin comment actions
Add the ability to write a comment to an action on the screen for adding actions to a stage. For example, in the stage of 30 actions, the administr...
2 answer
13.07.2020, 23:33
Update Nova Poshta statuses
Please update the status of Nova Poshta. One status missing https://i.imgur.com/MwD2Kt2.jpg
3 answer
13.07.2020, 20:47
Getting statuses from Rozetka
Hello! I ask you to make "minute automation" for "stages" for Rozetka, namely: for changing statuses on the side of Rozetka. Ve...
1 answer
11.07.2020, 18:22
Make the display of titles with comment type permanent!
⭐ Now, if there are a lot of entries in the comment feed and SMS or emails are not on the first page, then the headers are not shown and it is not ...
Add information about the date of the last update of the CPM next to the name of its current build
i don't understand for example my current version is latest or not when it was updated. There are a lot of updates in the release, but I don’t ...
Integration module with socket
now many services offer to upload goods to the Rozetka through them, CPM also has such an opportunity, but I didn’t figure out how to set it up exa...
2 answer
ТзОВ Екомора
27.06.2020, 18:54
add functionality to make a payment
It is necessary that if the amount of the payment is taken from the additional field, then the payment is formed on the amount of the additional fi...
1 answer
22.06.2020, 16:16
Subprocess Block
We suggest adding some improvements and new features to the subprocesses block (see link) https://prnt.sc/t4bqpf 1. remove unnecessary (non-informa...