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List of related questions and answers «Utilities and settings»

2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
03.12.2020, 13:21
Counterparty cards are not taken, as in the name there is an apostrophe
Counterparty cards are not taken, as in the name there is an apostrophe
7 replies
03.12.2020, 11:56
tire.shebo.com.ua not working
tire.shebo.com.ua not working
5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
03.12.2020, 11:08
Why is there no such variable as "Source" in the variables for letters
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/directory/variable/ There is no order "Source" variable, although it seems to be an important variable
5 replies
02.12.2020, 19:22
Hello, please tell me how to remove unnecessary filters through xl import
3 answer
2-factor registration in personal account
I ask you to evaluate the decision on this variant of refinement in the LC: Set up the Registration page in your account - https://prnt.sc/vr5xzd O...
3 answer
01.12.2020, 17:31
log in
A person cannot log in to the site with us https://box.webproduction.ua/admin/shop/users/1128/
4 answer
01.12.2020, 14:36
Do not show hidden products
When placing an order, in the tabular part, hidden goods are displayed as a list http://joxi.ru/D2PoqaRSJEe70m), how to hide them so that they woul...
3 answer
01.12.2020, 08:24
Promotion (sets with different products)
We can not solve the problem with promotional sets. We watched the functionality "promotional offers", "promotional sets" and t...
Estimated delivery date
Nalashtovuyu rozsilka sms about vіdpravka goods. On the date of change for sheets and processes, the "Indicative date of delivery" is not...
1 answer
Email calendar task list
You need the ability to automatically send a letter to the mail at a specified time to selected employees of the company. Which will contain links ...