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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

3 answer
01.05.2023, 11:43
Return to supplier
Good day! I have an order to a supplier, as well as a return to a supplier. Previously, return to supplier worked correctly and the product was shi...
1 answer
Personal license
27.04.2023, 16:27
Rate the update of the
You need to be able to: 1) configure the same rules as now for the Supplier's Price, only so that all markups/discounts go to the value from th...
0 replies
26.04.2023, 16:18
Incorrect display of quantity during inventory
https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/ The product of the brand Maxima Professional in 1 warehouse displays in the amount of 6900. https://crm.tryalia.com...
2 answer
25.04.2023, 10:23
How to make the order from the promotion transfer comments
The same problem with the outlet and opencart. Can you tell me separately on all these platforms how to make the comments of buyers transferred to ...
1 answer
20.04.2023, 16:16
In the automation Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua) we write a bracket in the name of the parameter, but there is no bracket in XML
That is, in the settings, we indicate that the system adds a new parameter to the file Its name is "Sklad (Ukrainian)", but for some reason the par...
6 replies
17.04.2023, 17:28
How to make a markup in % + amount
Hello. How to make a markup on a product so that it adds a percentage and an integer number together? For example, 20% + 60 UAH. ? Not through an a...
3 answer
Personal license
14.04.2023, 15:51
Rate the update of the "Price recalculation" functionality
Please evaluate the update of the "Price recalculation" functionality, so that you can set the markup (discount) rules for the supplier&#...
0 replies
06.04.2023, 12:44
In the Hotline feed, it is not the name of the category from the directory that is uploaded, but the id of this value
Good day A feed to the Hotline is being formed here https://crm.ohrana.ua/app/priceplace-hotline/3/settings/, but the category names are not dra...
2 answer
03.04.2023, 12:38
For some reason, the Rozetka meaning guide has been updated (the language has changed)
A couple of days ago, the name of the filters in the socket directory were in Russian, today we saw that the values have changed and almost all hav...
1 answer
31.03.2023, 12:27
How to indicate availability at the supplier???
The availability of the product at the supplier corresponds to the fact that the product itself is included in the price. Sometimes suppliers simpl...