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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

1 answer
21.02.2023, 13:07
Integration with ALLO does not work
Connect the integration, set the automatic action once a minute, but the orders do not appear. What could be wrong? https://os.strikeshop.ua/app/au...
Export products in Ukrainian
https://luxshina.ua/ Action "Export products in XML format (Hotline)" Hotline requires product data in Ukr. language. Now the file is being formed ...
Questions about Rosetka directories
In the box there is a directory of the values of the socket filters. It contains some meanings in Ukrainian, some in Russian. This directory is in ...
8 replies
15.02.2023, 15:33
Delivery to Rozetka pick-up points - Calculate rework
Delivery to Rozetka pick-up points - Calculate rework Is this update ready? Someone writes that he is already using it. Does this functionality exi...
8 replies
Integration with Dom.Ria
To develop the functionality of the system, integration with Dom.Ria is required. It is necessary to collect information about ads. Create an actio...
1 answer
07.02.2023, 09:27
Refinement of product revaluation
There is a need to make a margin rule not only for the brand, but also individually for the product. I would like to see this as an add-on block. f...
Allo integration not working
We connected the integration, set up automatic action once a minute, but orders do not come in. https://andser.crm-onebox.com/app/allo-12/
5 replies
30.01.2023, 18:19
Filter in Product Linking
You can add the filter Related/Unrelated Products in the Linking Products section
4 answer
25.01.2023, 12:37
Need help setting up supplier processing
Colleagues need help setting up a supplier's price list. There is a price list of the supplier in YML and in Excel, but they are promotional, that ...
2 answer
24.01.2023, 00:15
YML feed not updating
Just noticed that the yml feed stopped updating. New products are not downloaded and old ones are not updated. Haven't made any changes to it in ov...