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List of related questions and answers «Search systems»

It is NOT possible to find an order by order number
Good day. We encountered the following problem: when searching for an order in CRM, some of them are not found by order number. Although they can b...
1 answer
11.04.2023, 17:50
OS Global Search does not display all information
Good day! Searching by phone number of the client https://crm.ohrana.ua/app/contact/49542/ In the results I see At the same time, after t...
2 answer
20.02.2023, 13:50
The search stopped looking for products by an additional field.
Good afternoon https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ A year ago, an additional field was made on all products, in which the active substance of the drug was...
1 answer
25.01.2023, 17:56
Product search. Bug/Bug?
Good afternoon! http://box.agro-him.com.ua/ We noticed one unpleasant pattern in our box, the search does not quite adequately find products. Scree...
10 replies
08.01.2023, 14:37
The speed of processing text input in the search field
Please speed up the processing of text input in the global search field. Now, after clicking on the icon, there is some kind of delay, due to which...
4 answer
05.01.2023, 13:41
The search does not return analogues
Good afternoon! http://box.agro-him.com.ua/ For some reason, the search engine gives out a list of analogues in one case, but not in the other. For...
4 answer
21.12.2022, 16:17
contact search
Good day. 1. MVP version When performing a contact search, the display of additional fields now displays the contact ID (the value of the contact's...