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List of related questions and answers «OneBox plans and purchase»

Hello, tell me please, the second month of using boxing is coming to an end The first month was used in the amount of $3.98 The second month the am...
7 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.09.2022, 10:19
Migration from the old version to OneBox OS
System: https://labpdd.com/dashboard/ 1. How many boxes have been upgraded, why can't they be ported to OneBoxOS? 2. How much will you pay for ...
Charged $5.97 for 1751 entities. I don't understand why so. I also do not have funds in my account to extend my vanbox
5 replies
12.09.2022, 16:25
pay for boxing
Good for the hell of a time, the problem is, we pay for Boxing (renew the balance) in the form of FOP and the balance is not updated. Payment buv 0...
The system does not allow creating an account
When I create a OneBox account in my public record, I may have a pardon A creation error occurred. Check if the data is correct I ask for help in c...
1 answer
03.09.2022, 22:00
Selling 19 unlimited licenses of OneBox CRM+ERP (Green MVP 2020) 5 times cheaper than bought!
Our company purchased a boxed unlimited version of the CRM system ONEBOX Green MVP (2020) for 19 licenses (all receipts are available). One license...
3 answer
Personal license
29.08.2022, 18:08
Synchronization with OneBox Production on OneBox Network
We want to start using our partner box https://salesbureau.1b.app/ and set tasks for bugs, consultations and improvements not through the chat, but...
6 replies
Regarding access level 1b
Why did 1b make changes, without taking into account the opinion of customers, regarding the definition of the level of customer access to their 1b...
1 answer
23.08.2022, 16:37
Clear the Box to test the work on the "for data" tariff
Congratulations! Decided to try to return to work in Box, which during the full-scale war in the status "removed" and on the tariff Cloud...
2 answer
12.08.2022, 13:36
switching to os
Good day Tell me whether all the modifications that the client has: https://orc-test.kiev.ua/ is on OS?