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List of related questions and answers «OneBox plans and purchase»

3 answer
27.07.2022, 20:34
One box payment?!
Good day. I paid for the boxed version of One Box. With lifetime licenses. So, as in the plan, it was necessary to pay once, and no longer turn aro...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
25.07.2022, 21:25
Transition to OS. Integration of old boxed Boxu and gloomy Boxu OS
Good afternoon. We want to switch to a dark solution OS. At the same time we have two licenses on our server. Installed integrations: telephony Kyi...
Update boxing
Submitted an application for renewal of boxing, how to understand that she was accepted by such a rank, you can set an hour more exactly less than ...
9 replies
21.07.2022, 18:42
Tariff prices and currency conversion
I want to raise the issue of the cost of tariffs, because the situation is getting worse. The fact is that on your site the price is indicated in d...
1 answer
20.07.2022, 12:04
Change phone number
It is necessary to transfer the contact number of this oblique record testtestm.1b.app to this oblique record implant.1b.app , and testtestm.1b.app...
I will sell licenses for life (not cloud)
Good afternoon! Due to the lack of need, I will sell 4 licenses that I bought for my server. For info, write to telegram / viber at 0503649032.
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
13.07.2022, 10:10
Key payment
Paying with LiqPay key payment is gone The site says that the key is NOT paid. How to solve this issue?
7 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
12.07.2022, 19:43
One key, two users. The second cannot enter when the first has left.
Here is the box: https://crm.smartid.com.ua/ They switched from MVP to OS last week. The system has two users with administrator rights. The first ...
2 answer
Can't afford to pay the fare. The provider has not specified available methods for payment
Pardon pay. The provider has not specified available payment methods. Please contact the supplier directly.
2 answer
one box upgrade
Hello, I made an application for an update, but there was no call until the exact date. How to be in such a situation?