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List of related questions and answers «Notification and chat systems»

2 answer
05.11.2021, 10:24
Can't download incoming files from chat
Can't download incoming files from chat When you click on the file, nothing happens, it does not open and does not offer to download.
1 answer
Fall asleep with push notifications
Since the morning, for 10 minutes in a row, notifications have been pouring in on the box https://crm-ext.rsrussia.ru Perhaps this is the result of...
Where are the appearance settings and what is displayed in this notification menu
After the update, the information is not shown as it was configured, this is Kasha with information that cannot be viewed without opening the proce...
2 answer
04.08.2021, 17:54
Push notifications are not coming to my phone.
All the checkboxes indicated in the screenshot are included. On the phone, the app is allowed to issue all types of alerts. It should have worked. ...
5 replies
28.07.2021, 21:52
Moved out icons
https://exam4shebo.crm-onebox.com/desktop/ icons are out of place
5 replies
27.07.2021, 03:24
Notifications don't work
In general, for the entire time of registration, the systems did not work, although many notifications should have come. https://exam4shebo.crm-one...
3 answer
14.07.2021, 18:45
OS - Working with notifications
1. When switching the stage, the process closes, a notification appears in the bottom right corner and then the process opens again, but false appe...
14 replies
07.07.2021, 15:18
OS - Notification Block
In the MVP version, this moment was resolved, but in the OS it appeared again. The notification block should be reduced to a certain height, but m...
4 answer
21.06.2021, 11:15
OS - Notifications
Problems in the operation of the notification center OS version: 1. When you click on a notification, it takes a very long time to switch to mail. ...
1 answer
My events clear
2. My events. The event counter in the menu on the left shows constantly 1313, a lot of events have accumulated. Automatic action once a day: Clear...