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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
07.12.2021, 22:30
I ask the retailers to give a confirmation for the food in the task for ShopSupplier_Processor_Avail
Here is the task https://1b.app/ru/support/server-installation/12201-prodovzhuyutsya-problemi-z-s...
3 answer
07.12.2021, 17:36
The filter button hangs all the time in the Remains in warehouses section
When you go to the section, the Filter button immediately hangs, although nothing is selected in the filter
3 answer
07.12.2021, 12:59
out of stock
In two cases, the BP was not written off from the warehouse, since there was no transition to Fulfilled, so there was no write-off. 1) http://crm.a...
7 replies
07.12.2021, 12:27
Remainders from 1s
Good afternoon, we have set up integration from 1s to api Everything is ok, except for one item this is what we see in OneBox https://ubp.crm-onebo...
1 answer
06.12.2021, 17:45
Posting interface
To the page https://rivcont.info/app/storage/process/incoming/ In the block "table of the basket of products" Can we display additional p...
5 replies
Additional product pictures
Hello! In the box in the product card, all additional product images are automatically loaded . I have a lot of them. I do not need additional pic...
13 replies
06.12.2021, 14:39
Price according to quantity
Good afternoon, I saw information on the form that, as a standard, in OneBox, you can adjust the price of the product depending on the quantity, is...
4 answer
03.12.2021, 20:28
Issue updating availability from supplier unload
Good afternoon. On some products, you must disable availability manually. I manually uncheck "Recalculate availability with suppliers and ware...
1 answer
03.12.2021, 15:18
Goods are not deducted from the warehouse
Order https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/2125918/edit/ The product is in reserve, a subprocess has been created for it ...
5 replies
Personal license
03.12.2021, 15:13
OS: Problems with product filters
Requested from the price list of the filter section "Universal product import (xml/json)" price , set in diї - , 1) Not only fіltry (...