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List of related questions and answers «Mail and letter management»

3 answer
11.02.2021, 16:28
Why are sent emails duplicated in the system?
https://prnt.sc/z3ouol For some reason, the letters are duplicated, that is, they are sent to the addressee, and at the same time a copy will be se...
1 answer
The action Notify by email worked strangely
In such a process - https://crm.ohholding.com.ua/admin/customorder/dokumentooborot/324121/edit/ at the stage - https://crm.ohholding.com.ua/admin/s...
8 replies
06.02.2021, 16:30
Letters are not sent
Hello! In mail integration, the following message periodically appears: IMAP status: Not ok ([CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)), so...
Spam is coming from our server. As a result, we were blocked by smtp hosting, after which the crm system does not work correctly for us
The technicians replied that "You have activity from the php side. php 30647 cen........neb 6u IPv4 5...........4 0t0 TCP m..........r.ru:5859...
1 answer
02.02.2021, 17:55
Mark emails as read
https://hte.crm-onebox.com/ Configured integration with mail (email). Events display letters, how to make it so that: 1. Was it clear in the list o...
6 replies
02.02.2021, 14:46
email integration error
Good afternoon! Tell me, is it possible to transfer integration errors with the email https://prnt.sc/y0o37a to the list of integrations https://pr...
5 replies
01.02.2021, 00:00
Viber mass mailing (business account)
Good afternoon Please help with setting up sending bulk messages via BOX We send single SMS through the action "Send universal message Viber/S...
1 answer
29.01.2021, 09:36
{|$clientname|} - error handling
Good afternoon. Such a problem. In notifications (letter and sms), {|$clientname|} is used to address the client But there are orders where in the ...
1 answer
28.01.2021, 13:33
Mail parsing not working (minute cron dropped)
Boxing http://crm.mebelok.com/ mail parsing does not work and minute and hour crowns have fallen https://prnt.sc/xr7wur
2 answer
28.01.2021, 11:00
spam when mailing lists from Boxing to Gmail
here we asked to validate your domain for gmail https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/email/4924-nedostupniy-smtp-gmail/ - but they didn’t take away th...