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List of related questions and answers «Mail and letter management»

2 answer
31.03.2021, 12:56
gmail mail not connecting
Good afternoon, we have transferred our mailbox to gmail and are trying to connect. We did everything as in the instructions https://crm-onebox.com...
1 answer
29.03.2021, 19:21
It is not possible to send a mailing list to users
when trying to send an email we get the following error what could it be ? It used to work fine, how can I fix it?
3 answer
29.03.2021, 16:13
imap cron not working
Good afternoon! Imap cron does not work in the box https://crm.hlr.ua/, we do not receive mail in the box. Can you reload it? Is it possible for u...
2 answer
23.03.2021, 17:28
mail distribution from admin mail
Hello, please tell me if it is possible to integrate with the admin mail where all important notifications come and set up the delivery of letters ...
5 replies
23.03.2021, 13:38
if you send email from comments, the sender's mail is by default one for all managers, how to make sure that each manager could send a letter ...
3 answer
23.03.2021, 12:03
How to write a letter template so that each product is displayed in a separate block
This is what it should look like All fields from the product card (main and additional) How to write a template so that the products are displayed...
3 answer
23.03.2021, 08:36
Subscribed to newsletter
Tell me, please, we did a mass mailing (e-mail) to contacts and letters came even to those who did not have a check mark "subscribed to the ma...
5 replies
21.03.2021, 23:06
Turn a letter into a process and add observers
There is a letter in which from is the recipient, and there are a lot of people in cc. How can I make it so that one process (task) is created and ...
7 replies
16.03.2021, 09:39
Consultation on parsing data from the XLS file attached to the letter
The system has an action once per hour Extract additional process field data from email attachment files It finds the process by the specified proc...
2 answer
12.03.2021, 09:34
"Turn email into a process" action doesn't work
Good afternoon! The action "Turn an email into a process" stopped working: https://prnt.sc/10jhyn3 Last process created on March 5th: htt...