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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

There is no product filter in CRM
As such, there are no filters of goods in stock, є. https://prnt.sc/wj3c3y And what kind of filter is showing what kind of goods are in the warehou...
2 answer
06.01.2021, 16:22
Category display order in Products > List Products
Category display order in Products > List Products In the Products > List Products section, the “Categories” block in the product filter pane...
7 replies
06.01.2021, 15:23
Change the order of fields when entering parcel sizes for New mail
Is there a way to change the order in which dimensions are entered? Always and for everyone it was first length-width-height and for some reason yo...
4 answer
06.01.2021, 15:20
The column of residues in the search for products in the card of analogues is not removed
In the BP, when searching for a product that has an analog, you open the Analog tab, you can see the standard blocks (article, name, supplier, pric...
1 answer
06.01.2021, 13:23
Hello, please tell me how to add values to products so that they are filtered by the "promotions" filter
3 answer
06.01.2021, 12:38
Line highlight
How to highlight a row if creation date = "today"? Is there a variable "today" or something similar? https://prnt.sc/whf9ay
Finish the revision
according to the task https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/interface/4443-otsenite-dorabotku---otobrazhen... ...
4 answer
05.01.2021, 11:50
Can't add custom menu item
Good afternoon. I can't add my menu item to the desired parent item, in the drop-down menu there is only "Investment Auction", what c...
5 replies
05.01.2021, 11:24
How to specify the format of the field as numeric with a dot but with the possibility of specifying a negative value?
If I specify a numeric value, I cannot specify a negative value
8 replies
04.01.2021, 17:50
Calculate the cost of revision
For the mobile version of the site for filters, remake or add the "Type of filters", now it's a "drop-down list", but you n...