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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

How to customize the display of the product in the Process
after updating the Box, All Products in Process were displayed, it was not super convenient, but all the products in the order were visible, and no...
6 replies
20.09.2021, 11:57
Changing column widths
How can I expand the "comment" field, so that the width would be like the "product" field? Without muting other columns.
5 replies
16.09.2021, 08:55
OS -- "Save for All"
Unable to open save button context menu to "save for all". can be corrected?
4 answer
15.09.2021, 20:16
OS - Comment Feed
1. When comment types are not enabled, all tabs appear. If you enable certain types of comments, then the tabs disappear. Is it possible to fix thi...
6 replies
14.09.2021, 16:27
Question about exporting and importing fields that are displayed in 2 languages
Good afternoon. Help plz. Connected multilingual. Fields with (uk) in the product card are not selected in the export action same question on im...
5 replies
14.09.2021, 10:35
Finalization of the mass menu reset for all employees to general settings.
I set a task for revision from a partner box on Friday 10/09, but no one answered me. The task number in your box is 2015851952
Required implementation of interface for Service Desk
Є eskіzi dekіlkoh storіnok іnterfeysu Service Desk - service pіdtrimki koristuvachіv vіdpriyemstvі. How can you customize the interface of the busi...
9 replies
How to remove the recently added item "Time convenient for communication:" in the process block "call" ??
How to remove the recently added item "Time convenient for communication:" in the process block "call" ?? this new field strong...
3 answer
07.09.2021, 13:33
OS: how to display an additional field of the product of the process in the list of processes?
in MVP there is a process setting , where you can specify which additional process product fields to display in the "product" column. wh...
not transferred Refinement with copying Price Levels from the old box for more than a month
this is a very frequently used functionality, I was finalizing the action that copied the price levels for the selected products from the specified...