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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with price platforms and marketplaces»

Integration with Rozetka does not work (loading incoming orders)
Integration with Rozetka stopped working. When trying to open the integration to check the settings, it gives an error (Unfortunately, an unexpect...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
17.03.2021, 12:26
Updating products on the prom - is it possible to change the logic?
"PromUA / Import products" action configured As I see it, it starts on a minute cron, which slows down the work of other actions for 30 ...
7 replies
15.03.2021, 17:41
kasta export of leftovers
Hello, I connected the action added the product https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/shop/products/17076/storage/ with barcodes on kasta , but avail...
4 answer
14.03.2021, 18:25
Prom discounts
Can you tell me how to transfer the discount value for commodity items (products) from OneBox to the Prom UA marketplace?
8 replies
13.03.2021, 13:12
uploading goods to Kasta and importing orders
Hello, please set up the export of goods and balances and the import of orders
revision required - Uploading to the XLS price platform
The problem is in this parameter https://prnt.sc/10hx71j "If the product is produced and it has a passport, consider that the product is in st...
3 answer
10.03.2021, 11:55
Notification of an incoming order from Prom.UA
Good afternoon! There is a question about notifications - about incoming orders from online stores. It was disabled from the business process, the ...
7 replies
08.03.2021, 13:01
An error in the formation of the xml file for Hotline
Good afternoon, there is an error in the xml feed for Hotline. Help. thank you
2 answer
Error in uploading XLS file
in the report "balance change in warehouses" if you upload the file in XLS, then the data in the file is confused, the amount sold and th...
4 answer
04.03.2021, 09:32
upload to xls
Hello, please tell me which parameter in the export settings https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/shop/products/exchange-xls/?searchLine=&ca...