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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with messengers»

8 replies
01.12.2023, 13:59
Subscribe to the bot from the client's account.
Good day. Such a task: It is necessary for the client to be able to subscribe to the Telegram bot from the client's one box account, and this was s...
1 answer
Personal license
16.11.2023, 12:27
After connecting the integration with VanBox, it was found that it affects the Instagram application itself, throwing it out of the Instagram account
After connecting the integration with VanBox, it was found that it affects the Instagram application itself, throwing it out of the Instagram accou...
4 answer
15.11.2023, 01:26
Evaluate the possibility of completing the action Send a message to the E-chat chat
Evaluate the possibility of completing the action Send a message to the E-chat chat https://i.imgur.com/45P4HQ5.png namely: add the possibility of ...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
05.11.2023, 20:56
How the ticks work in the action settings: Check the presence of a telegram comment in the process and switch the stage
Set the action: Check the presence of a telegram comment in the process and switch the stage The goal is to switch the task to another status whe...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
05.11.2023, 18:45
The name of the button in the action: Send Telegram message is not saved
Configured the action: Send Telegram message 1. I add a button to this action: I want to test 2. I save the settings 3. The name of the butto...
1 answer
03.11.2023, 14:49
Push notifications
You need to receive push notifications for messages that come from the messenger. They say that there is no such functionality.
2 answer
05.10.2023, 11:43
Messages are not sent to clients
Hello! We stopped sending outgoing messages to clients on Viber through the Viber application from E-chat. From the task https://topbox.1b.app/9114...
1 answer
28.09.2023, 00:24
Refinement of the action of sending a message to E-chat
Improve the settings for sending a document from an additional field with the file type, similar to Telegram https://everest.1b.app/
3 answer
24.09.2023, 23:37
So, I’ll now try to explain it on my curve. I need to receive a link to the client’s Instagram page in order to use it in the iframe block in the f...
7 replies
24.09.2023, 22:52
User information.
Shalom brothers. 1. Question: when we create a task based on a comment, nothing is pulled up in our client. Bug? https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/52359/ ...