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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with messengers»

4 answer
07.07.2023, 16:27
I set up feedback in the block designer for the bot so that I can reply to the person, I need it after the person sends the data, I write a command...
2 answer
06.07.2023, 00:38
How to make the bot check whether the user is registered on the site or not
I am creating a tg-bot, I need people to follow the link that the bot gives and register so that the bot then provides the necessary content
1 answer
05.07.2023, 09:50
Questions about the application
Good afternoon Installed this application, there are several questions: 1. In order for the application to work, it is necessary to register on the...
1 answer
27.06.2023, 10:46
Application update
Good afternoon. Do you plan to add functionality such as: 1. Getting responses to rils, stories or posts. 2. Receiving all photos sent at the same ...
17 replies
13.06.2023, 09:56
Installing the multichat app
You need to activate / install multichat The application is installed, but there are no settings, nothing, an empty page, it did not appear in the ...
Automation from Telegram
How to solve the problem? The procedure with automation "Send a Telegram message" works well in the first BP, which is assigned in the chat with th...
The employee's telegram bot does not receive content from the order
Good afternoon. When adding goods from a certain group to an order, the employee’s tg-bot does not receive the quantity of goods from this group ht...
2 answer
How to install 2 telegram apps in box?
Do you need to install and connect 2 api keys from the bot in the TG, and display them in one chat window in the box? Box writes an error: An error...
3 answer
21.04.2023, 11:50
Improve the action of sending a message in telegram
Box https://insiders.crm-onebox.com/ Add a checkbox, "send the last document of the process in pdf format" the file name must match the name of the...
4 answer
21.04.2023, 10:47
Users are complaining about several critical issues
Good day! I use your service to set up a tg-bot: - https://carmalift.1b.app/desktop/ - https://t.me/carmalift_bot We use the bot as a landing/commu...