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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with messengers»

2 answer
04.07.2022, 12:07
It is necessary to come up with and implement a choice of goods according to the characteristic
Here https://hellom.1b.app/app/bot-constructor/1/ (Figure 1) It is necessary to come up with and implement a choice of goods according to their ch...
6 replies
29.06.2022, 10:27
Distribution of chats by role
There are 2 actions Turn a telegram message into a chat Turn a viber message into a chat Here you can specify either a specific employee for whom t...
11 replies
22.06.2022, 10:58
When do I get the Instagram Direct add-on?
When do I get the Instagram Direct add-on?
2 answer
20.06.2022, 16:23
telegram call back
You can go to "Send a Telegram message" in the callback, add the list of all the changes (from the lists)?
1 answer
20.06.2022, 12:12
WhatsApp (botcorp.io) and "WhatsApp" (Chat-Api)
1. What can be the first to write to the client? 2. How can I call a client through whatsapp add-ons? 3. Pratsiuє s be-yakim account, chi only s bu...
4 answer
10.06.2022, 17:51
viber emoji
Viber sends not only viber emojis (which are simply transmitted in text in our box), but also emojis that are from android and ios (Fig. 1) and th...
6 replies
10.06.2022, 17:48
Pulling up customer avatars
Viber has the ability to pull customer avatars. Like here https://developers.viber.com/docs/api/rest-bot-api/#resource-url-2 And you can also send ...
15 replies
10.06.2022, 00:40
Send Telegram message. callback
Good day How to correctly fill in the callback in the notification when pushing the button to change the status? How to prescribe it like that at t...
5 replies
Inconvenience of use
Setting up a chat bot https://ccvape1bapp.1b.app/app/bot-constructor/1/ added the necessary blocks, but there is no zoom as in the usual bp setting...
3 answer
The system gives a 500 error when entering all chats
http://yakoby.asia/admin/messenger-chat/ Error repeats from time to time