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Sending pictures in telegram action

Here is the process https://timelearn.1b.app/434/
it has a procedure "sms witannya" - settings https://timelearn.1b.app/app/workflow/5/procedure/11/
Using the crutch method, such a decision was made to send a picture with the text (Fig. 1).
Here is the bot itself https://t.me/TimeLearn_bot
1st, if you press the button 2 more times, the picture is not loaded. (Figure 2) (I don’t understand yet, is this a bug or a feature)
2nd, can I still somehow modify it so that it would be possible to send a picture in a similar way as in the viber action?)
Original question is available on version: ru


the second action did not restore the file if it was removed from the process. Made to restore
26.07.2022, 21:43
Original comment available on version: ru

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