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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with messengers»

2 answer
Several business processes
Tell me, is it possible to place an order in different business processes depending on the client's choice? Can multiple Makeorder blocks normally ...
We need an up-to-date instruction
It is not clear how Productlist works. Everything is done according to the existing instructions, but when switching to the Productlist, instead of...
4 answer
07.05.2024, 19:33
We do not see outgoing messages in the chat
We only see messages from customers integration of Facebook Messenger Pro + Chat... Maybe this setting is which??? Please tell me.
2 answer
01.05.2024, 12:58
Very urgent - General chat is not displayed ‼️
The employee's general chat no longer appears in processes as of today. The problem is related to E-chat: if there is an existing corresponden...
7 replies
29.04.2024, 17:22
Unsent messages #2
Previous topic (in short, "it is not clear from the interface of the paid box application that the message was not delivered to the client") https...
2 answer
09.04.2024, 15:25
Unsent messages
Sent a message to the client in viber from the box, according to this process https://sambag.crm-onebox.com/75765/ How to understand from the box t...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.03.2024, 11:39
PROBLEM: Telegram - the bot does not work for requests from new contacts
There is a problem A new person knocks on the Telegram bot: https://t.me/BalistykaUA_Bot The box does not create a contact card for this person a...
2 answer
20.03.2024, 11:17
Whisper bot
What is the name of the bot in which you can whisper something to a certain person in a group, but so that no one else in the group can see it?
1 answer
28.02.2024, 09:29
How to send a message to several groups using a Telegram bot?
There is a bot created through BotFather There are many groups to which you need to send the same message. How to do it?
3 answer
12.02.2024, 15:59
In the calendar pop-up window, the chat does not scroll down to new messages
When opened in a popup window, the chat does not scroll down to new messages. When you open a process in a separate tab, new messages are immediate...