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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with banks and payment systems»

34 answer
19.01.2022, 14:00
Completion calculation: Translate the process into a stage depending on the WayForPay payment status
Guys, I ask you to calculate the revision on WayForPay, namely: you need an action at the stages with which you can transfer the process to the des...
8 replies
15.01.2022, 09:13
OS - Question - Accounts
The menu with invoices is always displayed. But it is not necessary to work with transactions. Is it possible to make it collapse or turn off when ...
6 replies
Personal license
14.01.2022, 15:50
Evaluate the payment order
Є nalashtuvannya for procedures, schob stinks spratsovuvali when adding payment: https://take.ms/3nWYK Evaluate the additional payment in order to ...
2 answer
14.01.2022, 08:10
OS - Bug - Duplicate currency
Why is this done? Is it possible to remove this doubling of the currency?
1 answer
11.01.2022, 09:56
When viewing the balance at the beginning of the period before the first payment is made, the balance floats by the amount of the starting balance of the wallet
Good afternoon. There was a problem with the balance of the wallet. When viewing the balance at the beginning of the period before the first paymen...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
10.01.2022, 11:17
LiqPay payment not confirmed
Good afternoon, LiqPay payments have ceased to be confirmed today. An example of the process where you need to confirm the payment: https://owwa.cr...
4 answer
02.01.2022, 14:56
error creating check
Hello, when you try to go to the stage at which the action to create a receipt is set, after a pause, an error appears without comments and the tr...
Bug - payments not previously linked for a couple of years were attached to the order
The manager created a negative payment for this order, at the time of creation the system took a very long time to load, and then pulled up a HUGE ...
Change Base Currency of Boxing
Please change the base currency of Boxing to rubles: lazer01.crm-onebox.com/desktop/
9 replies
30.11.2021, 11:14
Good afternoon! Payments from the private bank have ceased to be unloaded. There are no errors in the integration, an example is in the screenshot....