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List of related questions and answers «Integration with telephony services»

10 replies
07.10.2020, 11:16
Zadarma calls
We have configured integration with Zadarma and only outgoing calls from CRM are loaded into my events. How to make it so that missed and received ...
5 replies
07.10.2020, 10:33
Asterisk and missed calls
Good afternoon! Can you please tell me how to get and display missed calls in events? I remember the refinement of the functionality of integration...
Weekend calls.
Good afternoon, Channel Service Vadim. Calls from the vanbox via binotel do not work, you see the pardon "Binotel API pardon. Reverse integrat...
7 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
06.10.2020, 15:32
Integration with Kyivstar
Good afternoon. To whom can you turn to, to register a nalashtuvannya on the server? Є Kyivstar token.
8 replies
binotel settings
Good afternoon! Can you please tell me how to set up binotel integration correctly? Specifically, these settings are of interest https://prnt.sc/ut...
6 replies
05.10.2020, 10:41
Zadarma call history
We have integration with Zadarma. And on the CRM side, the event "Create events based on zadarma telephony calls" is enabled. But all eve...
6 replies
02.10.2020, 10:21
Zadarma call history
Where can I view the call history when integrating with Zadarma? And how to open access to the history to an employee?
8 replies
Transcription Zadarma - Read what the manager says instead of "listen"
Hello. Recently, the well-known Zadarma service has connected the possibility of transcribing telephone conversations into text. Those. there is no...
Telephony Stream Telecom
Is it possible to integrate telephony Stream Telecom7 https://streamtele.com/ru
7 replies
Start the process automatically from a call
How can I set it up so that when answering a call, a BP is automatically created (not from a button in a pop-up window, but automatically)? What do...