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List of related questions and answers «OneBox integrations»

4 answer
14.04.2021, 19:05
Facebook, Viber
Please add an option to automation: -Turn a viber message into a business process -Turn a Telegram message into a business process -Turn a Facebook...
1 answer
The setting for recording fields received from Tilda does not work
In the logs, we see information that comes from Tilda. The received data contains information about the delivery method, recipient's full name,...
5 replies
12.04.2021, 16:40
Monobank payment in installments
Order http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/1926688/edit/ 2 sub-processes were created from it to pay in installments http:...
1 answer
12.04.2021, 11:44
Integration with WIX
https://apix-drive.com/ua/wix-com-api How many hours does it take to integrate with this platform?
4 answer
12.04.2021, 09:54
Unloading an order from Opencart
Hello, such a question on opencart, according to this checkbox , if there is an image in the suborder_img field, should it be uploaded in the comm...
1 answer
Horoshop - transmission of 2 languages
The integration has 2 fields - Name - Name Yua This is available in the integration But as if in the list of fields from which we can download thi...
2 answer
BAAs Dev.
10.04.2021, 14:40
Uploading images to OpenCart
Good day ! There is a box: tyninua.crm-onebox.com We set up integration with OpenCart, and as it turned out, there were difficulties with Photos. T...
3 answer
09.04.2021, 14:51
Integration with Simpla
where you can find up-to-date instructions with files for setting up integration with Simpla. Since now there is a video lesson in the boxing knowl...
1 answer
Integration with Horosop
Please evaluate the refinement of the upload, which allows you to select the value of the product fields in the system and transfer information to ...
4 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.04.2021, 09:35
how to match the language of boxing and OpenCart
connected integration with OpenCart, products were unloaded, but they are not displayed on the site. started to figure it out, realized that the re...