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List of related questions and answers «Integration with cash desk and PPO»

5 replies
Personal license
01.10.2021, 12:52
We created a process for opening a cash register, set the action "open shift" https://take.ms/Y8KhQ At the first stage, there is an actio...
6 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
14.09.2021, 15:44
Do not forget the amount of payment and the amount of the goods in the check
In the order, the price of the product is 75.60, and 75.9 is transferred to the Checkbox. As a result, sums are not included in the check. Custom...
3 answer
13.09.2021, 17:27
Fiscalization does not work (if there are 2 payments in the order)
There is a real order https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/kassa/360457/edit/ There are 2 payments in it (the amount of payments = the a...
7 replies
13.09.2021, 16:22
Transfer of prepayment and postpayment to the checkbox
There was a topic https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/business-processes/9898-konsultatsiya-po-sozda... Here we f...
1 answer
Personal license
19.08.2021, 10:31
Rate the completion of the action "Opening a new shift by a cashier"
There is an action that rejects the checkout Checkbox: It is necessary to complete so that the name or code of the Checkbox integration is also ta...
7 replies
16.08.2021, 12:41
Error while sending request to Checkbox
There was a question https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/cashier_and_software_ppo/10076-oshibka-pri-otp... Clarified with the Checkbox, it i...
2 answer
12.08.2021, 14:41
Shift checkbox not closing
Here is the process https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/smena/357249/edit/ At the last stage, there are actions for closing the shift, ...
1 answer
12.08.2021, 12:35
Error sending check
There is a process https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/protsessi-kassira/2056434/edit/ When you go to the stage https://crm.mebelok.com/admin...
6 replies
It is not possible to win once a dekіlka of prepared forms of payment
If the client paid for the order in 2 payments, then when we go to the stage from auth. the action "Creating a sales receipt, fiscalizing it a...
22 answer
06.08.2021, 19:04
Error when fiscalizing a return check
Previously, the return check was created without payments in progress. As proof, here is a list of processes (30 pcs) in which a return check is fi...