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3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
09.11.2023, 09:24
Bug, the Paid field is not correctly calculated in the orders, outgoing payments are not taken into account
Good afternoon, 4 days ago we noticed that the Paid field stopped taking into account outgoing payments, this causes great inconvenience, please co...
10 replies
07.11.2023, 12:56
Bug! Problems with orders.
Good afternoon It is not possible to process orders. Orders open in 30-40 seconds. The interface has become distorted. The holding companies block ...
1 answer
06.11.2023, 09:42
The Products table block does not work
Box https://knigarnia.1b.app/ has the same bug
1 answer
The "Products by table" block no longer displays products.
The "Products by table" block no longer displays products.
1 answer
The product block in the orders interface has disappeared
I am attaching screenshots. Over the weekend, the "products by table" block disappeared in the Orders interface, although it is also indicated in t...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
06.11.2023, 09:02
Urgent, products are not displayed in the product table, we cannot work
Good day, today the products in the "table of products" block are no longer displayed. Order example: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/578625/
2 answer
06.11.2023, 08:51
Very urgent! The
Guys, please help me. In all BPs, the "Products in a table" block stopped displaying products. I checked through incognito and through different br...
1 answer
A bug critical for continued operation - The list of products in the order is not displayed
Boxing https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/ Today, the list of products in the customer order is no longer displayed, and instead there is an empty sp...
1 answer
Availability of products in warehouses is not displayed in the "Product Search" block
In the "Search for products" block in the Interface, the availability of products in warehouses is not displayed. There is no + sign to expand the ...
Margin calculation
Good afternoon, here in my table of products, when there is no discount - there is a column for the final discount, when I insert a discount - this...